Heads Up!

4.7 | 173M+
Heads Up!
Warner Bros. International Enterprises
100% Safe


The latest version of Heads Up! App includes a number of new features and improvements, including:

  • New Disney Parks themed deck: This new deck features over 100 Disney-themed words and phrases, perfect for a fun game of Heads Up! with the whole family.
  • Performance improvements: The app has been optimized for better performance, so you can enjoy a smoother and more responsive experience.
  • Bug fixes: A number of bugs have been fixed, including some that were causing the app to crash.

Overall, the latest version of Heads Up! App is a great improvement over previous versions. With new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes, it’s the best version of the app yet.

Heads Up! is an entertaining and interactive app. It's a game of guessing words or phrases based on clues your friends give you. It's a great way to liven up any gathering and bring a bit of laughter and competition into your life.

Whether you're looking to have a fun night with your family or spice up your next game night, Heads Up! is the perfect game for you. In this blog post, I will discuss how to play the game, what makes it so enjoyable, and its pros and cons.

The latest update for the popular phone app Heads Up! was released . This update includes several performance enhancements to improve the load and run speed of the game.

Several new games have been added to the game selection, including a category specifically for kids, making Heads Up! even more enjoyable for all ages. In this latest update, several minor bug fixes make the overall experience of playing Heads Up! smoother and more enjoyable.


oo The app offers many fun games for you and your friends/family.

oo Look up and tilt your phone to get a new card.

oo You can store or upload your funny in-game antics to Facebook.

oo Online gaming lets you play against friends or hundreds of others.

oo Several parts let you challenge your pals or entertain your youngsters for hours.


oo The app is available at no cost.

oo There are many various topics to choose from

oo There are other packs for Holiday games, kids' games, and many more for purchase.


oo Sometimes when opening the app on an Android device, the screen freezes.

oo The premium package only includes some available decks.

oo There is no way to specify a different round length.

oo In rare cases, the program will close with a blank screen.

How to use

Heads Up! is a fun and easy-to-use app that people of all ages can enjoy. To start playing, first, download the app onto your smartphone. Once installed, you will be prompted to choose the number of players and then pick a category of topics.

Once everyone has chosen their category, they will be given a card with the topic and then have to hold the phone up to their forehead with the screen facing away from them so they can't see the card. The other players will take turns giving clues about the topic on the card without saying what it is so that the person with the card can guess the word.

The person with the card gets the point if their guess is correct. If not, the next person in line gives hints. The game is done when all the cards have been guessed or the time limit has been reached. Ultimately, whoever has collected the most points is declared the winner.


Heads Up! is available for both iOS and Android devices. A free version of the app comes with limited features, and a paid version includes more content and enhanced features.

In addition to the game, users can access a wide range of themed decks. Some decks are even tailored to special events and holidays.

The Heads Up! app also has a feature that allows you to customize your deck if you want to explore some ideas. Additionally, the app includes social sharing capabilities to share your games with friends and family.
