Plants vs. Zombies

4.9 | 851M+
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies
100% Safe


Here are the new features in the latest version of Plants vs. Zombies App:

  • New World: Ancient Egypt. Explore the pyramids and tombs of Ancient Egypt in this new world. Battle new zombies, like the Mummies and the Sphinx, and collect new plants, like the Obelisk and the Tomb Raiser.
  • New Plant: the Primal Peashooter. The Primal Peashooter is a powerful new plant that shoots peas that can penetrate multiple zombies. It’s perfect for taking down hordes of zombies.
  • New Event: the Ancient Egypt Piñata Party. This special event gives you a chance to earn rewards, like coins, gems, and plant seeds, by defeating zombies in Ancient Egypt.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements. A number of bugs have been fixed and performance improvements have been made to the game.

Are you looking for a collectible card game app on mobile? Then, look no further than Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. This app features ten hero characters on each side, each with four superpowers and two teams of cards, giving you a total of 40 cards for every duel. With its innovative gameplay and attractive aesthetic, this app is a breath of fresh air in the CCG genre.

This app enables you to play as either plants or zombies and build your dream team of heroes to win battles. New and better cards can be earned or purchased as you progress through the game, unlocking characters and superpowers one by one. The battle board has five lanes, and you can reduce the damage done to your hero by playing strategically against your opponent in each lane. The graphics are cartoony and colorful, and the music is jazzy, providing an immersive experience for the player.

One major advantage of this app is that it uses fresh ideas and gameplay, which makes it stand out in the crowded CCG market. It provides a lot of strategic depth and opportunities for customization, allowing players to create their own unique decks to battle against others. The game moves along at a brisk pace, keeping players engaged.

The app suffers from some lag and connectivity issues, which can be frustrating at times. Some players feel that the balance between plants and zombies is still off, with zombies being stronger in certain areas than plants. Another drawback is that the app requires constant progression and grinding to unlock new cards, which can be tedious for some players.

The game is straightforward and easy to learn, with a built-in tutorial to get you started. You start by choosing your hero and building your deck of cards. Once you\re ready, you can start battling against other players and earning rewards for victories. You can use the rewards to purchase new cards, which will give you an edge in future battles.


1. Is the app free to play?
Yes, the app is free to download and play, but it does include in-app purchases.

2. Do I need an internet connection to play?
Yes, you need a stable internet connection to play the game since the battles occur on a server.

3. Does the app have any age restrictions?
Yes, the app is rated for ages 13 and up due to mild violence and gore.

In conclusion, the Plants vs. Zombies Heroes app is an innovative and refreshing addition to the collectible card game genre on mobile. Its colorful graphics, jazzy music, and innovative gameplay make it stand out from the competition. Although it has some drawbacks, the overall experience is enjoyable, and it\s worth trying out for fans of CCGs.
