Credit Karma

4.6 (1,609 votes) | 85M+
Credit Karma
Credit Karma, Inc.
100% Safe


Credit Karma score s only happen once in every week.

Costumers credit score isnt 100 percent reliable, which is known from Investopedia sources. The reason for that is that Credit Karma only uses 2 of the 3 main credit bureaus. Let me explain what I mean exactly.

If you made a transfer of your credit card balance to a card with a lower interest rate, the two bureaus will record the process as an opening of a new card, which has a balance and the other bureau will record this process as one card being closed during the transfer.


•Provides full information about reports, insights, and most importantly scores, which helps you understand your credit for your future successful business decisions.

•Doesnt need your credit card information, which is a big plus actually.

•Your customized service can be provided whenever you need it.

•Service provides full insights about your credit health for free.

•Basically guides you to get the information you need to take full control of your credit.


•Provides a comfortable design, helping you understand the inner mechanisms easily

•Is completely free (Personal financial events along with credit card reports and scores dealt for free)

•Consistent in terms of monitoring your financial reports about your credit card

•You can look up any details about the financial processes you need in the app

•As mentioned above doesnt need your credit card information

•Equifax service score availability


•Service being free is a big advantage over other apps that practically do the same kind of work.

•Reports, scores, and inner goings of the business world are provided by the app for free

•No need for credit card information.

•Shows certain steps and how these steps will affect you in terms of your credit score.

•Credit card score s within the system, help you understand the financial details better.


•The s of credit card scores only happen once every week.

•For people, who want to apply for credit in the near future this isnt actually a good situation to be in.

•Thats why people have been asking for more timely s.

•It doesnt use all the major credit card bureaus, which can cause some problems as we illustrated in the s section.

•Advance steps about business insights, reports, and credit card scores ask you for money
