Be Well

4.9 | 399M+
Be Well
McKesson Canada
100% Safe


Here are some of the new features in the latest version of the Be Well App:

  • New meditations: There are now over 50 new meditations to choose from, giving users even more options to find the perfect meditation for their needs.
  • New challenges: There are now a number of new challenges available, such as the 30-Day Meditation Challenge and the 7-Day Self-Care Challenge. These challenges can help users to improve their mental and physical health.
  • New features: There are a number of new features in the app, such as the ability to create custom playlists of meditations, and the ability to share meditations with friends.
  • Bug fixes: A number of bugs have been fixed in this version, and performance has been improved.

These new features are sure to make the Be Well App even more helpful and enjoyable for users. The app is available for download now on both the App Store and Google Play.

Here is a summary of the new features:

  • New meditations: Over 50 new meditations are now available.
  • New challenges: A number of new challenges are now available.
  • New features: A number of new features have been added.
  • Bug fixes: A number of bugs have been fixed.

Looking for an easy way to stay connected to your health and wellness goals? Look no further than Be Well, the innovative rewards program that makes it easier than ever to collect and redeem points while taking care of your well-being. With a plethora of convenient features and personalized bonuses, Be Well is the ultimate tool for anyone looking to prioritize their health and save money.

So what can you expect from Be Well? First and foremost, youll earn 10 reward points for every dollar you spend. That means youll be racking up points in no time, which can then be redeemed for discounts on future purchases. In fact, 25,000 reward points equals $10 in redeemable value, meaning you can start seeing real savings right away. Be Well also offers personalized bonus offers to help you earn points even faster.

One of the biggest benefits of Be Well is how easy it is to use. Simply scan your card when you shop to collect points and watch your balance grow with every purchase. You can also link your prescriptions from all your Rexall Pharmacies, making it easy to order refills and track their status wherever you are. Plus, with access to all your prescription information in one place, you can easily keep track of your health status and document your conditions and symptoms.

The only potential downside to Be Well is that you cant earn points on some items due to provincial and federal laws. Additionally, prescription drug purchases are excluded from point-earning opportunities. However, the vast majority of items available for purchase at Rexall Pharmacies are eligible for reward points, so this shouldnt be too much of a limitation.

Getting started with Be Well is easy. Simply download the app and register your account. You can then start earning points on your next eligible purchase at any participating Rexall Pharmacy. Simply scan your card when you check out to collect points, and watch your balance grow over time. You can then redeem your points for savings on future purchases whenever youre ready.

Your rewards points can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases at participating Rexall Pharmacies, so you can save money while staying healthy.

Its easy to link your prescriptions from all your Rexall Pharmacies within the Be Well app. Simply follow the prompts to enter your prescription information and track the status of your refills.

Be Well allows you to conveniently track a variety of health information, including steps, sleep, and more. You can also document your conditions and symptoms within the app to provide a comprehensive history of your health status over time.

Yes. While McKesson Canada Inc. may track and analyze your use of the Be Well app in order to develop better products and services, they take privacy and security seriously. Any personal information collected through the app is done so in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and your information will be kept safe and secure.

If youre looking for a convenient and easy way to stay connected to your health and wellness goals, Be Well is the perfect tool. With its innovative rewards program, personalized bonuses, and easy-to-use features, youll be well on your way to a healthier, happier you in no time.
